We supply consulting services on SCADA SYSTEMS
based on TANGO
TANGO Controls is a software toolkit :
for connecting things together +
building control systems +
integrating systems
It is free , open source and object-oriented. It is easy to use and is well adapted to solving simple and complex distributed problems. TANGO Controls has been used to build solutions for;
- Distributed Control Systems (DCS) in which devices are controlled and monitored in a local distributed network
- Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition (SCADA) systems in which remote devices are controlled and monitored centrally
- Integrated Control Systems (ICS) in which different autonomous control systems are integrated into a central one
- Interface Devices that run on small embedded platforms into a distributed control system
- Internet of Things (IoT) applications in which arbitrary devices are controlled through the Internet
- Machine to Machine (M2M) applications in which devices communicates with each other
- System Integration Platforms in which different kind of software applications and systems are integrated into a central one
TANGO Controls is operating system independent and supports C++, Java and Python for all of the components.
Tango Controls Architecture
The software is available on GNU Linux, Unix, Windows with full support for three different languages: C++, Java or Python