Risk analysis of machines and systems in accordance with the various applicable directives, such as Machines, Ped, Atex.


We carry out risk analyzes according to the methods and regulations:

EN ISO 13849-1-2 IEC 62061, Mc Kinney, FTA, PHA, Montecarlo, etc.

For machines and partly completed machines we deal with:

  • Support our customers in researching the laws and regulations applicable to their machinery:
    Verification of correspondence between the machine and the applicable safety requirements;
    Check on the safety of the electrical equipment of the machines (type CEI EN 60204-1 and subsequent versions);
    Check of the pneumatic and hydraulic equipment;
    Creation of the technical file and its archiving;
    Drafting of the use and maintenance manual:
    Carrying out instrumental tests (noise, vibrations, electromagnetic fields, electromagnetic compatibility, etc);
    Verification of control circuits (PL & SIL);
    CE marking.

Servizi  di valutazione  per :

  • Rischio di esposizione a rumore;
  • Rischio di esposizione a vibrazioni,
  • Rischio di esposizione a campi elettromagnetici;
  • Rischio collegato a movimentazione manuale dei carichi;
  • Rischio collegato ad uso di macchine ed impianti;
  • Rschio chimico;

Evalutation services for:

  • Exposure risk to noise;
    Exposure risk to vibrations,
    Exposure risk to electromagnetic fields;
    Risk associated with manual handling of loads;
    Risk relate to the use of machines and systems;
    Chemical risk;
    Supply of software for:

Telecordia, Mil-HDBK-217, 217 Plus IEC TR 62380, NSWC-98/LE1

Our book on the topic  (in Italian):

La Nuova Direttiva Macchine 2006/42/CE

Libro su Direttiva Macchine

For further information on this service contact us:  info@aldebran.com
